May 2023

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene

Bad oral hygiene habits, deficient brushing techniques, smoking, etc. can cause the accumulation of food debris and other irritants that create the proliferation of bacteria that inflame and irritate gums. It is one of the most common diseases that exist and can cause an irreversible teeth loss. Chronic Periodontitis can cause the appearance of other diseases both oral and on the rest of the organism. The main symptoms are: frequent bleeding of the gums, mostly when brushing, mobility of the teeth and bad breath. Smoking can hide the symptoms of gum bleeding. The main periodontal diseases are periodontitis, gingivitis and the disease that affects dental implants. The inflammation and bleeding of gums as well as the movement of teeth, if not treated on time can cause the loss of teeth and although they can be replaced by prosthesis or implants, it is always better to preserve natural teeth. Prevention is very important as well as regular visits to the odontologist at least once per year, for a revision and deep dental cleaning, as it helps avoid or diagnose those diseases for an early treatment.