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Hello autumn...

Colours of the world, shiny, daring and filled with contrasts and textures. A style that is remarquable mainly for its wealth of influences, mixes of cultures, strengthened as a result of the creation of exotic ambiances with travelling and bohemian inspirations. This decorative style is perfect for those who like exoticism and cultural trips, because we can even achieve modern ambiances, introduce and combine touches from various cultures, such as Arabic, African, Indian with a personal touch... without it looking like a great bazaar of souvenirs. Travelling soul, souvenirs from trips and experiences. Colours and textures are important in that mix, where intense tones are dominant such as orange, fuchsia, ochre, even intense green, with silky textures such as velvet, silk, not forgetting heavier fabrics used for carpets and tapestries that will create great contrasts on almost bare interior walls, lacking decoration, where colour are neutral such as off-white or beige. Good quality traditional furniture and noble wood, only a few pieces in the adequate places! Undoubtedly a refined and clean ambiance not forgetting the aromas, indirect and warm lighting that will make us feel like we are still travelling in our dreams...

"Travelling soul, souvenirs from trips and experiences "

Fedra Ramos - Arquitecta de interiores Miembro de: IFI (Federación Internacional de Arquitectos de Interior) ECIA (European Council of Interior Architects) Colegio Oficial de Decoradores y Diseñadores de Interior de Canarias